What’s new, Kuflis?

Crazy-lazy adventures


In the second Kuflis movie, the lives of our protagonists are once again thrown into extraordinary adventures. There’s a thrilling pirate ship battle and a Kufli concert. We find out what a Swaposcope is and what it’s like when Hilda throws a cleaning fit. The witty stories of the imaginative world of the Kuflis are full of life and playfulness, where anything is possible, just like in a child’s imagination.

Technical information

Format: 2D HD – 1×77’
Genre: Comedy, Family
Target: Gradeschoolers – Tweens
Status: Completed
Production: KEDD Animation Studio, 2019
Directed by Kristóf  Jurik, Géza M. Tóth
Script, design and character design:  András Dániel
Storyteller: Péter Scherer
Produced by Géza M. Tóth
Music by Balázs Alpár
Languages: Hungarian with English subtitles