Kuflis 2. - What’s new, Kuflis?

Crazy-lazy adventures


The film reveals how the Kuflis spend World Hide and Seek Day, what they dress up as when they are invited to a New Year’s Eve costume party in the summer, what they do when flood waters wash them out of their home, and what happens when their tiny pet suddenly grows to be huge. And there’s much, much more, because life with the Kuflis is full of surprises and weirdness!

Technical information

Format: 2D HD – 13×7’
Genre: Comedy, Family
Target: Gradeschoolers – Tweens
Status: Completed
Production: KEDD Animation Studio, 2019
Directed by Kristóf Jurik Géza M. Tóth
Script, design and character design:  András Dániel
Storyteller: Péter Scherer
Produced by Géza M. Tóth
Music by Balázs Alpár
Languages: Hungarian with English subtitles