Berry and Dolly S03

We all belong together


Berry and Dolly try out different games with their friends: puppeteering, playing football, board games or painting eggs. The stories focus on values such as helpfulness, altruism and sportsmanship.

Technical information

Format: 2D HD – 13×5’
Genre: Edutainment
Target: Toddler – Preschool
Status: Completed
Production: KEDD Animation Studio, 2014
Directed by Antonin Krizsanics, Géza M. Tóth,
Script, design and character design:  Erika Bartos
Storyteller in Hungarian version: Judit Pogány
Produced by Géza M. Tóth
Music by Alma Ensemble
Languages: English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Polish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian, Czech, Lithuanian, Slovakian