Berry and Dolly S05

We all belong together


Nature invites you to play in the 5th season of the successful animated series of “Berry and Dolly – Months of the Year”. There is an exciting and educational episode dedicated to each month. The thirteenth tale is about the big cake competition, with children’s old favorite Doctor Owl as the judge.

Technical information

Format: 2D HD – 13×5’
Genre: Edutainment
Target: Toddler – Preschool
Status: Completed
Production : KEDD Animation Studio, 2023
Directed by Fazakas Kinga, Géza M. Tóth
Script, design and character design:  Erika Bartos
Storyteller in Hungarian version: Judit Pogány
Produced by Géza M. Tóth
Music by Szabó Tibor
Languages: Hungarian, English, Portuguese, Russian, Czech, Polish, Romanian, Lithuanian